I don't KISS, but I like to keep it DRY.

If you didn't get past the disgusting interpretation of that title, then you probably shouldn't be reading this blog ;)
I make elephants out flies and flies out of elephants, after-all, the human genetic code is 40% bananas!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A little Mac musing

We're all different users, and are happy about many different things, however things like text-selection seem so basic, that you'd think any modern operating system would get it right. Yet, I was amazed to discover the following feat on my recently aquired Mac:
The thing that amazed me was that it doesn't select the proceeding space when you double-click on a word! Simple, right? Well, it was then that it struck me how many times I'd repeat that mistake in Windows, and have to select the word MANUALLY because the double-click was useless unless the word was immediately followed by a punctuation mark!

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